
Growing up I spent much of my time drawing and playing video games, especially the more light hearted comical games such as Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot. Not realising I could pursue art as a career I firmly set my sights on becoming a forensic scientist! Unfortunately I didn’t get to dust any fingerprints or investigate any crime scenes, it was much more boring than I had seen on NCIS and CSI so I played a lot of Ratchet and Clank instead. It was in the world of whimsical characters and weird creatures that I felt most comfortable and my passionate for creating my own worlds came to light.

After graduating with a degree in illustration I fully dove into the freelance life where I’ve had the opportunity to work on some incredible projects. It wasn’t until a game developer approached me about creating art for their game that I even realised what concept art was and that it’s what I’d been creating for my own ideas all along. I’ve now been fortunate enough to work on numerous indie games, AAA games and taught at one of the top games educational institutions in the country. I’m also very proud to be a Women in Games Ambassador and I’m now living my pirate dreams working on Sea of Thieves as a concept artist at Flix Interactive.

Outside of my day job I often create merch for Twitch streamers and work on some awesome trading card games. One of my favourite things to do in my free time is explore all the best dive bars with my lovely wife to be and ensuring I give our little disabled chihuahua the best life possible!


Freelance Clients

Playstation UK // Zedd // Feral Interative // X-Gamer // Legend Story Studios // // Computer Arts Magazine // Future Publishing // HMV Leeds // Affinity // Freesphere Entertinment // Posh Dinosaur Productions // Influx Studios

Interviews / Features

Imagine FX // Dribbble // Affinity Review // Creative Digest (Startupsgeek) // Behance Wacom Gallery // Shellsuit Zombie // Design Juices // Critter Shed // Daily Tekk // Carbon Dated // EatSleepDraw // FuriaMag


Imagine FX Magazine // Affinity Review // Co. Magazine // White Wash Magazine